Contact Strumwasser & Woocher
The firm is located in Santa Monica. We represent clients throughout California.
(310) 576-1233
(310) 319-0156
1250 6th Street, Suite 205
Santa Monica, California 90401
Business Manager:
Harumi Yanase
Employment Information:
We take pride in involving new attorneys fully in our cases, enabling them to take on significant responsibilities early in their practice. Attorneys are offered immediate opportunities to take active and leading roles in cases. The firm also encourages individual attorneys to pursue their own pro bono interests. The firm offers a generous benefit package including health and dental insurance, pension, profit sharing, and car allowance.
What sets the firm apart, however, is its relaxed and inclusive work environment. Our relatively small size promotes a close-knit, familial community among all staff. Strumwasser & Woocher maintains no formal billable hours requirement and offers a flexible work schedule to accommodate each attorney’s individual circumstance.
A strong academic background and excellent writing and advocacy skills are essential, as are pursuits reflecting a commitment to the public interest. Those with judicial clerkship experience, an advanced degree, unique life experiences, or published work are particularly encouraged to apply. Strumwasser & Woocher actively seeks to create an increasingly diverse workplace through targeted outreach to students of color, bar associations, and judicial clerks. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter, as well as a writing sample comprising work for which the applicant was the primary author, to Dale Larson at
Strumwasser & Woocher also offers a summer program intended primarily for second year law students. The firm typically participates in the Fall Interview Programs at Yale, Stanford, and Harvard Law Schools, but 2Ls from other schools are encouraged to submit applications in August.