Michael Strumwasser

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Michael Strumwasser Partner


MICHAEL J. STRUMWASSER handles large-scale judicial and administrative litigation in government law, economic regulation, education law, civil rights, public finance, and environmental law. He is a nationally recognized authority on administrative law and insurance- and utility regulation and is co-author of the Rutter Guide, California Administrative Law (with Michael Asimow, Herbert Bolz, and Laurine Tuleja). Mr. Strumwasser represents and advises public officials and agencies, and also represents consumer, environmental, and labor organizations challenging governmental actions. He has successfully represented consumers and regulators in state and federal courts and agencies and before Congress and the California Legislature, including over 50 cases resulting in published appellate decisions. He was lead counsel for the California Insurance Commissioner, developing regulations to implement Proposition 103 and successfully defending the program against numerous industry challenges, and has prosecuted unfair insurance practices on behalf of the California Department of Insurance.

Mr. Strumwasser co-founded Strumwasser & Woocher after seventeen years with the California Department of Justice, the last eight years as Special Assistant Attorney General, where he handled some of the state's most important antitrust, consumer-protection, and environmental cases, including California's challenges to major supermarket and oil-company mergers, defended consumer interests in utility-rate litigation, and represented the Governor of California in Nuclear Regulatory Commission health-and-safety reviews.

Mr. Strumwasser has written and lectured widely on administrative law and economic regulation. He holds A.B., M.S., and J.D. degrees from UCLA.